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Stepping off the Rollercoaster

"Rise up my darling!

Come away with me, my fair one!

Look the winter is past,

and the rains are over and gone.

The flowers are springing up,

the season of singing birds has come..."

Last Sunday this was spoken to me, it was, and is, what I needed to hear. Life is not just a straight line, things don't always come easily as social media often portrays it. We have to work, and we have to work hard. Have you ever been in the que at a theme park for the rollercoaster? There are many different types of people:

#1 The Worrier - This is the person who is too afraid to even take a step on the rollercoaster. They fear the things that will not even happen and it stops them moving forward. They create scenarios in their head that may never even happen and they let it fester inside.

#2 The Reckless one - This is the sort of person to jump on and not even think about it, many times they are the ones who have a huge meal before hopping on the rollercoaster...and they regret it. They recklessly put themselves in situations that hurt them and they struggle to get out of.

#3 The Comforter - There are two types of comforters, the one who selflessly sits there for hours convincing the worriers of the world that it will be okay. The other type is the comforter who comforts to hide their own fears. They help others as a distraction from the seesaw in their head.

#4 The Processor - This is the planner, the one who will think everything through first, who cautiously and carefully plans every journey and step. They can be very resilient but it takes them time to plan their steps before taking them.

You can be all or one of these people, or none. You can have moments as one or two but wish you were a different one, but no matter what, you will still experience that rollercoaster. That rollercoaster is life and which ever number[s] you see your self as, thats how you deal with its obstacles.

For all those people going down that terrifying hill right now, you're not alone, there are worriers and comforters, processors and reckless people to help you. They will remind you that 'The winter is past and the rains are over and gone'. This is your time! Your time to show the world who you are! The slope upwards may be steep and it may seem like you're not getting anywhere, but any moment now you will be singing, you'll be singing happy songs! Like the beautiful birds in the garden.

15/2/18 - Lights Camera Action!

Thanks to some amazing people I have met my songs will be coming to life, thanks to amazing producing and directing of not only the music itself but also a music video! Coming just for you.

The first shoot for the video of 'Confession' took place last Thursday and so far looks amazing! I don't know anything about the technical side of things but I do know this will be beautiful! Keep an eye on all my blog posts and social media for more updates as I take you on this incredible rollercoaster I am just stepping on.

Phoebe Ann X

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